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慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

Scripture: "The chief of sinners." "And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." —1 TIM. i. 14, 15.
        Never forget for a moment, as you enter the secret cham¬ber, that your whole relation to God depends on what you think of sin, and of yourself as a redeemed sinner.
        It is sin that makes Gods holiness so awful. It is sin that makes Gods holiness so glorious, because He has said: "Be ve holy. I am holy. I am the Lord which makes you holy" (Lev. xx. 7, 8).
        It is sin that called forth the wonderful love of God in not sparing His Son. It was sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, and revealed the depth and the power of the love with which He loved. Through all eternity in the glory of heaven, it is our being redeemed sinners that will tune our praise.
        Never forget for a moment that it is sin that has led to the great transaction between you and Christ Jesus; and that each (lay in your fellowship with God His one aim is to deliver and keep you fully from its power, and lift you up into His likeness and His infinite love.
        It is the thought of sin that will keep you low at His feet, and give the deep undertone to all your adoration.
        It is the thought of sin, ever surrounding you and seeking to attempt you, that will give fervency to your prayer, and urgency to the faith that hides itself in Christ.
        It is the thought of sin that makes Christ so unspeakably precious, that keeps you every moment dependent on His grace, and gives you the claim to be more than conqueror through Him that loved us.
        It is the thought of sin that calls to us to thank God with the broken and contrite heart, which God will not despise, that works in us that contrite and humble spirit in which He delights to dwell.
        It is in the inner chamber, in secret with the Father, that sn can be conquered, the holiness of Christ can be imparted, and the Spirit of holiness take possession of our lives.
        It is the inner chamber that we shall learn to know and experience fully the Divine power of the precious words of promise:
        "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." He that abideth in Him sinneth not" (1 John i. 7, iii. 6).

Refreshing Sleep

信心的支票簿 Faith's check book

Scripture: "When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet"(Proverbs 3:24).
        Is the reader likely to be confined for a while to the bed by sickness! Let him go upstairs without distress with this promise upon his heart "When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid."
        When we go to bed at night, let this word smooth our pillow. We cannot guard ourselves in sleep, but the LORD will keep us through the night. Those who lie down under the protection of the LORD are as secure as kings and queens in their palaces, and a great deal more so. If with our lying down there is a laying down of all cares and ambitions, we shall get refreshment out of our beds such as the anxious and covetous never find in theirs. Ill dreams shall be banished, or even if they come, we shall wipe out the impression of them, knowing that they are only dreams.
        If we sleep thus we shall do well. How sweetly Peter slept when even the angels light did not wake him, and he needed a hard jog in the side to wake him up. And yet he was sentenced to die on the morrow. Thus have martyrs slept before their burning. "So he giveth his beloved sleep." To have sweet sleep we must have sweet lives, sweet tempers, sweet meditations, and sweet love.

Morning, March 25

司布真日間靈修 Morning by Morning

Scripture: “Betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?”(Luke 22:48)
        “The kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Let me be on my guard when the world puts on a loving face, for it will, if possible, betray me as it did my Master, with a kiss. Whenever a man is about to stab religion, he usually professes very great reverence for it. Let me beware of the sleek-faced hypocrisy which is armour-bearer to heresy and infidelity. Knowing the deceivableness of unrighteousness, let me be wise as a serpent to detect and avoid the designs of the enemy. The young man, void of understanding, was led astray by the kiss of the strange woman: may my soul be so graciously instructed all this day, that “the much fair speech” of the world may have no effect upon me. Holy Spirit, let me not, a poor frail son of man, be betrayed with a kiss!
        But what if I should be guilty of the same accursed sin as Judas, that son of perdition? I have been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus; I am a member of his visible Church; I sit at the communion table: all these are so many kisses of my lips. Am I sincere in them? If not, I am a base traitor. Do I live in the world as carelessly as others do, and yet make a profession of being a follower of Jesus? Then I must expose religion to ridicule, and lead men to speak evil of the holy name by which I am called. Surely if I act thus inconsistently I am a Judas, and it were better for me that I had never been born. Dare I hope that I am clear in this matter? Then, O Lord, keep me so. O Lord, make me sincere and true. Preserve me from every false way. Never let me betray my Saviour. I do love thee, Jesus, and though I often grieve thee, yet I would desire to abide faithful even unto death. O God, forbid that I should be a high-soaring professor, and then fall at last into the lake of fire, because I betrayed my Master with a kiss.

Evening, March 25

司布真夜間靈修 Evening by Evening

Scripture: “The Son of man.”(John 3:13)
        How constantly our Master used the title, the “Son of man!” If he had chosen, he might always have spoken of himself as the Son of God, the Everlasting Father, the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace; but behold the lowliness of Jesus! He prefers to call himself the Son of man. Let us learn a lesson of humility from our Saviour; let us never court great titles nor proud degrees. There is here, however, a far sweeter thought. Jesus loved manhood so much, that he delighted to honour it; and since it is a high honour, and indeed, the greatest dignity of manhood, that Jesus is the Son of man, he is wont to display this name, that he may as it were hang royal stars upon the breast of manhood, and show forth the love of God to Abrahams seed. Son of man—whenever he said that word, he shed a halo round the head of Adams children. Yet there is perhaps a more precious thought still. Jesus Christ called himself the Son of man to express his oneness and sympathy with his people. He thus reminds us that he is the one whom we may approach without fear. As a man, we may take to him all our griefs and troubles, for he knows them by experience; in that he himself hath suffered as the “Son of man,” he is able to succour and comfort us. All hail, thou blessed Jesus! inasmuch as thou art evermore using the sweet name which acknowledges that thou art a brother and a near kinsman, it is to us a dear token of thy grace, thy humility, thy love.

        “Oh see how Jesus trusts himself
        Unto our childish love,
        As though by his free ways with us
        Our earnestness to prove!
        His sacred name a common word
        On earth he loves to hear;
        There is no majesty in him
        Which love may not come near.”

Desperate Days

荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert

Scripture: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Heb. 11:6).
        The faith for desperate days.
        The Bible is full of such days. Its record is made up of them, its songs are inspired by them, its prophecy is concerned with them, and its revelation has come through them.
        The desperate days are the stepping-stones in the path of light. They seem to have been Gods opportunity and mans school of wisdom.
        There is a story of an Old Testament love feast in Psalm 107, and in every story of deliverance the point of desperation gave God His chance. The "wits end" of desperation was the beginning of Gods power. Recall the promise of seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sands of the sea, to a couple as good as dead. Read again the story of the Red Sea and its deliverance, and of Jordan with its ark standing mid-stream. Study once more the prayers of Asa, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah, when they were sore pressed and knew not what to do. Go over the history of Nehemiah, Daniel, Hosea, and Habakkuk. Stand with awe in the darkness of Gethsemane, and linger by the grave in Josephs garden through those terrible days. Call the witnesses of the early Church, and ask the apostles the story of their desperate days.
        Desperation is better than despair.
        Faith did not make our desperate days. Its work is to sustain and solve them. The only alternative to a desperate faith is despair, and faith holds on and prevails.
        There is no more heroic example of desperate faith than that of the three Hebrew children. The situation was desperate, but they answered bravely, "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery furnace; and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." I like that, "but if not !"
        I have only space to mention Gethsemane. Ponder deeply its "Nevertheless." "If it is possible…nevertheless!" Deep darkness had settled upon the soul of our Lord. Trust meant anguish unto blood and darkness to the descent of hell--Nevertheless! Nevertheless!!
        Now get your hymn book and sing your favorite hymn of desperate faith. --Rev. S. Chadwick

The nature of fellowship

Restoring My Soul (VOL1) Day 60

References: Further Study: Eph 1:10 Heb 13:20-21 1 Cor 10:15-33
We know fellowship is more than social gathering. We must therefore grow and mature in our understanding of fellowship. John spoke of fellowship and cleansing working together. Accordingly, there is an effective administration in a lampstand. This is the administration of God that makes us complete. Paul spoke of the administration suitable for the fullness of times. The blood of Christ cleanses, but the blood does much more. The blood of the Everlasting Covenant effects and activates the whole administration of God. As the book of Hebrews shows, the blood which brought the great Shepherd back from the dead, is the same blood that makes us complete. A genuine fellowship will show itself in active and effective administration. A genuine administration will maintain fellowship in every respect. A so-called fellowship that doesn’t demonstrate active administration, where the blood of Christ is effective for cleansing from sin and making us complete, is not a genuine fellowship at all. By administration, the apostles were describing the effective communication of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, within a body of believers. A church coming into all aspects of administration is no longer merely an assembly of fellow-believers, adherents, friends, long-time associates, followers of a local pastor or motivational leader. By administration, we don’t mean just good organisation. A church with administration is one in which every member is being revealed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. How do we know if a church is apprehending the administration of the lampstand? Simply, every individual and household has ‘places to walk’. The pathway of predestination, the way of offering, is illuminated before them.

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Treasure in earthen vessels

Restoring My Soul (VOL2) Day 60

References Further Study Col 3:3-5 Eph 1:19 2 Cor 4 Rom 6:11, 13 1 John 4:17 2 Cor 4:7, 10-11
Resurrection life is treasure in our earthen vessels. Paul called it ‘the surpassing greatness of the power of God’. It is most certainly evident that this power is not from ourselves. Jesus also spoke of treasure in heaven. As we ‘lay down’ our lives to Him, He is ‘laying up’ for us treasure in heaven. Consequently, our citizenship is in heaven. The life we now live in the flesh is the resurrection life of Jesus. We carry about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. And further to this, we are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. Accordingly, the apostle John said, ‘As He is, so also are we in this world’. At first consideration, this is a remarkable thought. However, if the Christian life is anything other than this, then we have no power to live. Our strength is in the arm of the flesh and our thoughts are from beneath. The contradiction and paradox of our lives is that we are dying in a mortal body. Our flesh is subject to corruption. The tent of our mortal bodies is being torn down. Nevertheless, we hope for our dwelling from heaven, and we live by the power of God. We are a new creation in Him and Christ is our life. We must, therefore, consider the members of our earthly bodies to be dead to sin and alive to God. Our life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ who is our life is revealed, we will be revealed with Him in glory.

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The way ahead

Restoring My Soul (VOL3) Day 60

References Further Study Ecc 5:1-7 Psa 106:33 Psa 50 Pro 20:25 Mat 5:37 Pro 3:9 Psa 50:23
For many people who are seeking the Lord for the way ahead, the second level of the peace offering will be the most critical matter to address. When we bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving, we are dedicating ourselves to the work and service of the Lord’s house. We are testing and proving our capacity to make offering. We must give due consideration to a vow before we speak in the hearing of a messenger. We must not let our speech cause us to sin, or say in the presence of the messenger that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry on account of our voice and destroy the works of our hands? The wise man said, ‘Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools ... do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God.’ In many dreams and many words there is emptiness. It is better to not vow, than to vow and not pay. Nevertheless, we are encouraged to make well-considered vows and fulfil them. Having negotiated the second level of the thanksgiving offering, we are ready to discuss with a messenger our place and our work within an economy of offering. What are the increments of our work? These will likely determine the scope of our vows. Is the vow from our time, resources or money? What is the quantity and value we are vowing towards? If we are to become people of heave offerings and vows, then we must not separate our businesses from ourselves. A Profit and Loss Statement indicates our increase and, therefore, our obligations. We must be careful to honour the Lord from the first of all our produce.

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The warfare against fellowship

Restoring My Soul (VOL4) Day 60

References Further Study Col 2:1-8, 10 Eph 1 Eph 1:21
Once we are illuminated by the light of the gospel and participate in the fellowship of the body of Christ, we are soon confronted with situations that are in conflict with the true expression of fellowship. It is important for each of us to examine the nature of this warfare and understand the implications for our lives. The apostle Paul highlighted a ‘great conflict’ he had for the Colossian and Laodicean churches. He declared that he was with them in spirit, but he was not able to fellowship with them in person, so he wrote them a letter. He rejoiced in the steadfastness of their faith in Christ. However, he was concerned that in his absence they could be deceived by persuasive words from outside of the fellowship that they had found in Christ. He highlighted three alternatives that could take them away from their faith in Christ. These alternatives were the philosophy of the mind, which he described as empty deceit, the traditions of men, and the basic principles of the world. The stark reality is this; we choose either obedience to Christ who is the Word, or we respond in disobedience by following an alternative word. Warfare against fellowship commences once a person makes the choice to receive and obey the word of present truth. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul explained that Christ is the Head of all principality and power and we are made complete in Him. Our commitment is to fellowship in Christ and His body. This is the only context in which we can find salvation. Let’s consider each of these three areas in detail. Take note of particular issues that affect you and find resolution in fellowship with those who care for you.

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