使徒行傳 第1章
What were the disciples like after Christ left them? They had talked with the risen Christ for six weeks, but now he was gone. How would they behave now? Their story is wonderful and some of it is told to us in this chapter.
Firstly they were obedient to Christ’s words (see verse 4). Left to themselves, they could have separated and gone back to their homes. But Christ had said ‘stay in Jerusalem’ and they did what he had told them.
Secondly, they were to wait for the promised Holy Spirit. They were too weak to act alone. They were not told how long they would have to wait, but again they did what Christ had told them to do. They did not run ahead of God, nor did they try to do anything in their own strength.
Thirdly, they were united in prayer. How did they spend the waiting time? In united prayer. There were ten days of preparation for the Holy Spirit’s coming and they spend the whole time in prayer.
Fourthly, they knew and honoured the Bible. Jesus had helped them to see many things in the Old Testament which they hadn’t understood before. Now they saw everything in the light of God’s Word. They were sad and sorry about Judas; he had been their friend for over three years. Now he was gone for ever from them. But they knew what they had to do, because their guidance came from God’s Word.
Fifthly, they brought their problem and the decision they had to make to the Lord in prayer. They chose the two best men they could think of, then they said, ‘Now Lord you make the final decision not us!’ And God told them what his will was.
Isn’t that a wonderful picture of these disciples? They were obedient, they spent time in prayer, they knew their Bible and they looked to the Lord for guidance. Is it any wonder that God the Holy Spirit was able to fill and use them as he did?
資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2008/09/13
狀態: 已經過審核
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