代禱!林書豪右膝手術成功 朝復原之路前進
今早(21日),籃網隊總教練亞特金森(Kenny Atkinson)前往探望林書豪。他說,他與林書豪有著深刻的友誼,當晚近距離目睹林書豪受傷倒下那一刻,他與大家的心裡都感到非常難過,但他期許其他籃網隊員能夠以勝仗來重新振作,彼此鼓勵打氣。
籃網隊官方今日也公佈,林書豪在主治醫生Riley Williams協助下,完成修復右膝手術,預期整季報銷,但有望完全康復。林書豪今日也在社群平台上,貼出術後與亞特金森的合照,並感謝大家的關心,接下來要開始面對恢復、復健期。
Yoo, Ill keep this short but first off I want to take this time to praise God. He is equally loving, faithful and in control through every situation — the highs and the lows. Im thankful that God has given me tremendous peace in one of the most devastating times of my life. Ill be the first to say this peace isnt from me. God has been preparing me for this the last few weeks. I didnt know what was coming but He kept telling me (through personal times in the Word, Bible study, conversations with friends, etc) to give Him the space to guide my steps. The phrase Ive been repeating to myself is “Do as You may.” Living a life of complete utter surrender of every aspect of life to Jesus is the best and most meaningful way to live. Im thankful that God has been nudging my heart in this direction and also please pray that I wouldnt lose sight of my calling. And of course, please pray for the Nets team, for all my teammates spiritual lives, and for a speedy recovery. Thank you for being my prayer brothers/sisters-in-arms. Proud to journey through life with you guys! I cant wait to see what God will teach me through this chapter of my life and what He will do in the future!! - Jeremy
NBA籃網球星林書豪(Jeremy Lin)與總教練亞特金森(Kenny Atkinson)。擷取自林書豪 Instagram
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