

(影音)空難、ISIS威脅 腓力曼都法籲全球代禱



推薦本篇新聞 : 31

【本報記者綜合報導】去年12月28日載有162位乘客的亞航(AirAsia)8501班機從印尼泗水飛往新加坡途中失事墜海,其中逾四分之一的乘客為印尼泗水沙崙玫瑰教會(Mawar Sharon Church)的會友,該教會副主任牧師腓力曼都法於昨日(1/4)錄製長達四分鐘的影片,片中除了呼籲全球主內肢體在此關鍵時刻守望代禱,也說明印尼當局收到消息,教會所在城市-泗水,目前正受到ISIS國際恐怖組織的威脅。
 在基督裡親愛的全球家人們,shalom! 願你們平安!
 我是腓力曼都法牧師,目前正站立在泗水警察局的會堂,剛剛陪伴著Air Asia 墜機的罹難者家人們。在155位乘客當中,其中的45位是我們永遠的會友。感謝你們這段時間各樣的支持,你們的愛已達到我們的心。
 除此之外,也請為更多的我們禱告,因為就在今天上午(1月4日),我從當局接收到消息,我們的城市正在受到ISIS,國際恐怖主義組織的威脅。他們現在針對我們心愛的城市,泗水。但我們的心中並不懼怕。耶穌不僅值得我們為祂而活,祂更配得我們為祂而死。但我們依然需要你們的代禱,因為我知道這一切發生,因為魔鬼知道神愛泗水,神愛印尼並且神要更大的使用我們的國家。我們很感恩有你們,在這極的大考驗中我們不是獨自站立。我相信這個試驗將會成為一個偉大的見證。謝謝你能和我們一同站立。我們愛你! 我也會繼續向各位報告最新消息。上帝祝福你。(Fernika Hsuan譯)

Hello dear international families in Christ Jesus! I want to say shallom, peace be unto you!
Im pastor Philip Mantofa, standing here at Surabaya polices chapel, after just a while ago comforting the victims family of Air Asia flight that has crashed down.
Out of 155 passengers, 45 are forever our churchs member.
And thank you so much for all kinds of support that youve shown us, your love has reached our hearts.
I just want to give you a little report of what weve done through your support. We have set up a crisis center, and in it we provided ongoing worship atmosphere for the victims families nto find comfort in the presence of God. And not only that, weve also provided the trained counselors to be with them, to be here with them and for them. And I know that the hard times are not over yet, far from over. Because just yesterday (3rd jan), the body of the crashed plane has been found, so were expecting more bodies to be found. Once the bodies are identified, this will be a very critical moment for the family members. We have to be there by shifts for them, in the times that they needed us the most. So do pray for us for strenght and for our volunteers to be filled with joy, to be filled with comfort themselves, because the atmosphere of grief is so overwhelming here, and I know if you pray, you could also sense it overthere. But lets pray that the spirit of depression will not prevail. But instead, the spirit of comfort and encouragement will prevail, and the spirit of faith. faith is the only thing that will be getting them through this terrible moment, faith in Jesus Christ.
Continue to pray for us, just to give you an example, yesterday (3rd Jan), a body was identified. A little girl wearing a pink clothes, with a wristband, and immediately, one of the families recognize that it must be their loved one. They went histerrical and couldnt understand completely. I could never completely phatom their feeling, but I know it must be really terrible, so do pray for them. Its not easy. And more bodies is to be found. This is a critical time, do pray again with us. We have to stand with them until the end. This is a long process. Let God gives us strenght.
We have also hold a special worship service every 11 AM, here in Surabaya, just for the victims families, and also please pray for us more, since just this morning (4th Jan), Ive been warned by the authorities that the city is under threat by ISIS, international terrorism organization. THey are now targeting our beloved city, Surabaya. But our hearts are not afraid, Jesus is not only to live for but also to die for, yet we need your prayers because I know all these happen because the devils know that God loves Surabaya, God loves Indonesia, and God wants to use us in the nations, in a much better way. We are thankful we have you, we are not alone standing through this great test. And I believe this test will be a great testimony. Stand with us. Thank you for being with us. We love you so much and Ill give you more report. God bless you.
