X in its technical English sense, signifies the speaking evil of God and in this sense it is found ( Psalms 74:18 ; Isaiah 52:5 ; Romans 2:24 ) etc. But according to its derivation it may mean any species of calumny and abuse: see ( 1 Kings 21:10 ; Acts 18:6 ; Jude 1:9 ) etc. Blasphemy was punished by stoning, which was inflicted on the son of Shelomith. ( Leviticus 24:11 ) On this charge both our Lord and St. Stephen were condemned to death by the Jews. The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, ( Matthew 12:32 ; Mark 3:28 ) consisted in attributing to the power of Satan those unquestionable miracles which Jesus performed by "the finger of God" and the power of the Holy Spirit. It is plainly such a state of wilful, determined opposition to God and the Holy Spirit that no efforts will avail to lead to repentance. Among the Jews it was a sin against God answering to treason in our times.