應用 (Application):最後能聯繫到個人生活的應用⋯。
- 從這段經文,我對神有什麼樣新的認識?
Is there any new finding about God Himself?
- 從這段經文,有什麼屬靈原則我必須接受?
Is there any principle I must accept?
- 從這段經文,有什麼神的命令我必須順服?
Is there any command for me to obey?
- 從這段經文,有什麼榜樣我可學習?
Is there any example for me to follow?
- 從這段經文,有什麼錯誤我可避免?
Is there any mistake for me to avoid?
- 從這段經文,有什麼罪我必須遠離?
Is there any sin for me to forsake?
- 從這段經文,有什麼應許我可支取?
Is there any promise for me to claim?