T - Total Depravity 全然败坏的人生
U - Unconditional Election 无条件的拣选
L - Limited Atonement 有限的赎罪
I - Irresistible Grace 不可抗拒的恩典
P - Perseverance of the Saints 圣徒的坚忍
BIBLE - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
DEBT - Doing Everything But Tithing
PRAY - Praise. Repent. Ask. Yield.
GRACE - Gods Riches At Christs Expense
SIN - Self Inflicted Nonsense, Selling Into Nothing
BUSY - Being Under Satans Yoke
ASAP - Always Say A Prayer
GPS - Getting People Saved (Guiding People to Salvation)
TGIF -Thank God Im Forgiven(Forgiving)