本日禱告: 為自己的孩子 | |
禱告內文 |
(請在___填入孩子的姓名) 主啊!願__(孩子的名)__面對突然來的驚恐,不感到害怕,看到惡人遭毀滅,也不會恐懼。因為祢是他/她所倚靠的,祢必保守他/她的腳不陷入網羅。(箴言3:25-26) (ESV) |
阿們! |
阿們! 本週已經有 22 人參與為孩子們禱告 |
Prayer for Your Child | |
Prayer | Lord, may _______ not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, but know You will be his confidence and will keep his foot from being caught. From Proverbs 3:25-26 (ESV) |
Amen! |
Amen There were 20 people participated in Pray for children this week. |
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