本日禱告: 為家長自己 |
禱告內文 |
主啊! 願我謹記,祢是那位願意與我們親近的神。因為祢說: 「凡求告耶和華的,就是誠心求告祂的,耶和華便與他/她們相近。」摘自詩篇第145篇18節 (ESV)
阿們! |
本週已經有 25 人參與為孩子們禱告
給的讚! |
Prayer for You |
Prayer |
Lord, may I always know that You are near to all who call on You, to all who call on You in truth.
From Psalm 145:18 (ESV)
Amen! |
There were 32 people participated in Pray for children this week.
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