本日禱告: 為家長自己 |
禱告內文 |
主啊!求祢讓我心裡明白,保護我的是祢;祢在祢右邊蔭庇我。白日,太陽必不傷我;夜間,月亮也必不害我。詩篇121篇5-6節(ESV) |
阿們! |
本週已經有 14 人參與為孩子們禱告
給的讚! |
Prayer for You |
Prayer |
You, LORD, are my keeper; my shade on my right hand. May I know the sun shall not strike me by day, nor the moon at night.From Psalm 121:5-6 (ESV)
Amen! |
There were 12 people participated in Pray for children this week.
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