本日禱告: 為自己的孩子 |
禱告內文 |
親愛的天父!願祢將那賜人智慧和啟示的靈賞給 ________ ,使他 ∕ 她更認識祢。
以弗所書 1:17(NIV) |
阿們! |
本週已經有 61 人參與為孩子們禱告
給的讚! |
Prayer for Your Child |
Prayer |
Father, I pray that You will give ________ the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that she may know You better.
From Ephesians 1:17(NIV) |
Amen! |
There were 34 people participated in Pray for children this week.
以上內容英文部分由 Moms in Prayer International 授權使用。版權所有。