本日禱告: 為其他孩子 |
禱告內文 |
主基督!求祢讓_____相信,藉著祢並且信靠祢,他 / 她就可以放膽無懼,篤信不疑的來到神面前。
以弗所書 3:12(NIV) |
阿們! |
本週已經有 162 人參與為孩子們禱告
給的讚! |
Prayer for Any Child |
Prayer |
Christ, may ________ believe that in You and through faith in You, he may approach God with freedom and confidence.
From Ephesians 3:12(NIV) |
Amen! |
There were 35 people participated in Pray for children this week.
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