聯署籲提高《首爾聲明》協商透明度 洛桑突發電郵邀與會者表達意見 (2024年09月27日)
(採訪:林倩恆)【時代論壇訊】今屆洛桑福音會議(下稱洛桑大會)於會議揭幕當日的記者會上,大會公佈《首爾聲明》,是繼首三屆會議所制定的《洛桑信約》(1975)、《馬尼拉宣言》(1989)及《開普敦承諾》(2010)後的第四份會議文件。惟有關聲明惹來許多爭議,除了未取得與會者共識便公佈外,部份與會者亦不同意文件內容。有南韓教牧於會議期間臨時召開小組,公開邀請與會者參與討論,並就聲明作評論和建議,現正於網上進行聯署。舊約學者萊特(Christopher Wright)亦有出席相關討論。
整份《首爾聲明》共有三部份、七個主題、九十七點內容。本身為國際學生福音團契(IFES)東亞區副總幹事的金宗浩(譯音,Kim Jong-ho)於會議第三天(九月廿四日),聯同一些南韓教牧臨時召開小組討論會議,公開邀請大會參加者出席,就著《首爾聲明》進行討論,並設立WhatsApp群組請參加者在組內繼續發表意見。本報記者於會後訪問金宗浩,了解發起有關會議的原因,以及對《首爾聲明》的意見。他表示,好些人讀畢聲明後感到不安,「總的來說,我們覺得這聲明是一封相當有『防禦性』(defensive)的聲明。教會似乎處於防禦模式,以免受世俗主義、LGBTQ+等威脅。這份文件背後似乎隱藏著一種恐懼。」
金宗浩進一步闡釋,指《首爾聲明》似乎是恐怕基督教失去「陣地」。「由於世俗主義、LGBTQ 問題和科技的威脅,基督教變得日漸式微。這份文件似乎是出於恐懼而訂定的。」他認為,一份「防禦性」的聲明不會令下一代興奮,也不能榮耀基督信仰。「這份重要的文件沒有帶來希望和願景,反而只著重『保衛』。」此外,金宗浩認為聲明太多著墨談同性戀,偏偏對生態、全球氣候危機,卻隻字不提。
至於當日出席小組討論的參加者,金宗浩表示約有六十多人。記者亦見到去屆會議《開普敦承諾》的撰寫人,靈風國際總監、舊約學者萊特(Christopher Wright)亦身處其中,不過他並未有在會上公開發言。金宗浩希望透過發起討論,讓大會聽到參加者的聲音,並將各人的意見集結,撰寫聯署信給大會。有關信件已經在網上流傳供參加者聯署,截至今日(九月廿七日)下午四時,已取得二百七十一個簽名。
聯署信的內容,包括要求提高《首爾聲明》協商過程的透明度;指聲明將LGBTQ+問題誇大,並需為LGBTQ+人士受到的歧視和仇恨悔改;對於聲明中提到加沙問題,大會應進一步具體要求為巴勒斯坦人民伸張正義,並敦促譴責有缺陷的神學理由的措辭(the language condemning defective theological justifications)。聲明又提及關注種族主義、父權制和仇外心態等。
另一方面,大會在週一(九月廿三日)的記者會上曾指《首爾聲明》的英文定稿已大致完成。不過有海外媒體卻發現,關於「The image of God and human sexuality」中第六十九點的內容有以下修訂:
We recognize that a number of people, both within and outside the church, experience same-sex attraction, and that for some, this is the only or dominant attraction. The biblical insistence that Christians must resist temptation and so maintain sexual holiness, in both desire and behavior, applies equally to heterosexually attracted individuals as it does to same-sex attracted persons. We acknowledge, however, that Christians who are same-sex attracted face challenges in many local churches due to ignorance and prejudice, and have consequently suffered discrimination and injustice within Christian communities. We repent of our failures and lament the harm this has done to our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
We recognize that a number of people, both within and outside the church, experience same-sex attraction, and that for some, this is the only or dominant attraction. The biblical insistence that Christians must resist temptation and so maintain sexual holiness, in both desire and behavior, applies equally to heterosexually attracted individuals as it does to same-sex attracted persons. We acknowledge, however, that Christians who are same-sex attracted face challenges even in Christian communities. We repent of our lack of love towards our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
We urge Christian leaders and local churches to recognize within our communities the presence of faithful believers who experience same-sex attraction, and to support them in their discipleship by pastoral care and by developing healthy communities of love and friendship.
We urge Christian leaders and local churches to recognize within our communities the presence of believers who experience same-sex attraction, and to support them in their discipleship by pastoral care and by developing healthy communities of love and friendship.
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