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本新聞提供者: Christian Times 時代論壇



聲明由小組召集人陸漢思牧師(Rev. Hans Lutz)以小組名義發出,中英雙語,透過香港基督教協進會臉書專頁發放。該小組是協進會社會公義及民生關注委員會的附屬小組,於每次會議報告工作進度。








〈Protection against Torture is an Absolute Right〉

As a group of Christians from different churches caring for asylum seekers in Hong Kong we are dismayed by statements the Chief Executive has made. In his Policy Address he announced that Government will conduct a comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims, including a review of the Immigration Ordinance. From past experience we know that this can only mean a further tightening of the way under which asylum seekers are treated. We were even more shocked by the Chief Executive’s answer in the press conference that the Hong Kong SAR might withdraw from the Convention against Torture. Thus C.Y. Leung has added his voice to that of those all over the world who advocate the rolling back of human rights instruments.

Since the scope of the Convention against Torture is wide, a withdrawal would also take away human rights of Hong Kong citizens.

The prohibition of torture is part of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and entrenched under article 39 of the Basic Law. The Court of Final Appeal has held that protection against torture is an absolute right and that no derogation is possible. Therefore no person can be returned to a country where he or she might face the danger of being tortured.

As Christians who care for asylum seekers we are guided by the gospel values of compassion and hospitality to vulnerable strangers. We strongly oppose any move which could threaten their lives.

Hans Lutz for
Christian Refugee Ministry

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