她與同是基督徒的創作歌手班恩.費登(Ben Fielding)共同譜寫、收錄在2016年Hillsong《要有光》 (Let There Be Light)專輯裡的〈What A Beautiful Name〉,榮獲「最佳當代基督教音樂表演/歌曲」(the best contemporary Christian music performance/song)獎項。
〈What A Beautiful Name〉的音樂故事。(影片來源/Hillsong Worship)
〈What A Beautiful Name〉創作靈感來自《聖經》提到的「創世以來的奧秘」,首段歌詞「祢是起初永存的真道,祢與至高神同在,在造物中隱藏的榮耀,今彰顯在基督裡」,描繪耶穌與創造世界的神同在,歷世以來被隱藏的奧秘,如今向那些尋求的人揭開。「有關上帝自創世以來,隱藏歷世歷代裡的榮耀,在耶穌基督身上得以看見。」布魯克說。
〈What A Beautiful Name〉最初其實是為幫助Hillsong教會的敬拜團成員而創作,沒想到竟拿下如此重要的獎。「(得獎)真的是我從未想過、會發生在我身上的事…真的很瘋狂,且是莫大的榮耀。」另一位創作者班恩,也在頒獎典禮上字句堅定的說──「不管你覺得你跟上帝有多親近或多疏遠,祂的名是充滿能力的,極其榮美的,超乎萬名之上!」
Hillsong詩歌〈What A Beautiful Name〉榮獲2018年葛萊美獎「最佳當代基督教音樂表演/歌曲」(the best contemporary Christian music performance/song)。(影片來源/Hillsong Worship)
〈何等榮美的名〉(What A Beautiful Name)
詞/曲:布魯克.費雪(Brooke Fraser)、班恩.費登(Ben Fielding)
You were the Word at the beginning One With God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation Now revealed in You our Christ
祢是起初永存的真道 祢與至高神同在
在造物中隱藏的榮耀 今彰顯在基督裡
What a beautiful Name it is What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
祢的名字何等榮美 祢的名字何等榮美
What a beautiful Name it is Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is The Name of Jesus
祢的名字何等榮美 無人與祢相比
祢的名字何等榮美 主耶穌聖名
You didnt want heaven without us So Jesus, You brought heaven down
My sin was great, Your love was greater What could separate us now
祢不願我們與祢隔絕 耶穌祢從天降臨
我罪深重 祢愛更深厚 誰能將祢我分離
Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You
You silenced the boast, of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring, the praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again
祢勝過死亡 幔子已裂開 罪與死亡不再張狂
諸天在宣揚讚美祢榮耀 因祢已從死裡復活
You have no rival, You have no equal
Now and forever, Our God reigns
Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory
Yours is the Name, above all names
無人能抵擋 無人能像祢 從今到永遠 祢掌權
國度屬於祢 榮耀屬於祢 祢的聖名 超乎萬名
What a powerful Name it is What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
祢的名字滿有能力 祢的名字滿有能力
What a powerful Name it is Nothing can stand against
What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus
祢的名字何等榮美 無人與祢相比
祢的名字何等榮美 主耶穌聖名