祢十字架的大能, 重價贖回我靈魂。
The mighty powr of the Cross.
You bought my life with Your blood.
祢恩典是我被揀選, 叫我生命果子常存。
And by Your grace, I am chosen.
To bear the fruits that will endure.
(副歌 Chorus)
求主, 用我來贏得更多靈魂
Oh Lord, please use me to lead the lost to You.
堅固我, 潔淨我, 委身做祢門徒。
Strengthen me, come cleanse me.
I give myself to you.
求主, 差遣我去傳揚祢的愛
Oh Lord, send me to declare Your mighty love.
以愛擁抱城市, 建立合一教會。
Unite us in Your truth, with love from You alone.
I will go in Your name, in faith I proclaim.
All things are possible with You.