I Just Know to Love You
Dear Lord Jesus youre my lo-ver,
Thou hast won each love from my heart.
Who compares to Thee, so fair and come-ly?
Matchless one, none compete with Thee.
Glad-ly will I hear Thy sweet call.
Since Thy voice my heart hath en-tered;
Void are all my worthless and vain seek-ings,
E-very pride of mine disappear.
Who compares to Thee, so fair and come-ly.
Who compares to Thee, so sweet and lovely?
Its Your right to possess all of my love.
Je-sus most desired. I love You.
No more be deceived by my e-mo-tion.
No more put my trust in my con-di-tion.
I just know to love You for-e-ver more.
Je-sus most desired. I love You.