壽司最愛的經文: 神要擦去他們一切的眼淚;不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。」 啟示錄 21 : 4
Let It Rain (Michael W. Smith (Worship))
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
The Lord reigns
Let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of
His throne
Fire goes before Him
And consumes His foes on every side
His lightning lights up the world
The earth sees and trembles
The mountains melt like wax
Before the Lord of all the earth
The heavens proclaim His righteousness
And all the people see His glory.