蛋媽最愛的經文: 目前尚未選取
深觸我心 (讚美之泉 09 - 深觸我心)
耶穌誠然擔當我們的憂患,背負我們痛苦。 耶穌為我們的過犯受害,為我們的罪孽壓傷。 因你受的刑罰我們得平安, 因你受的鞭傷我們得醫治,完全得醫治。 感謝耶穌,我的救主,我得平安,我得醫治。 我的耶穌,愛我的主,你的恩典,深觸我心。 [ How Precious You are To Me ] Jesus You took the cross carried my sorrows paid for my life with Yours. Jesus pierced for my sin and all my shame and crushed for my failures and pain. You have suffered for me to give me peace by the stripes upon You I receive healing You made me whole. Thank You Jesus my loving Savior You shed Your blood to give me life. O my Jesus You love me so. O how precious You are to me.