pingu最愛的經文: 人被拉到死地,你要解救;人將被殺,你須攔阻。 箴言 24 : 11
AMAZING GRACE(奇異恩典) (黃國倫01?天使)
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound (奇異恩典,何等甘甜) That saved a wretch like me!(我罪已定得赦免) I once was lost but now I am found (前我失喪,今被尋回) Was blind but now I see.(瞎眼今得看見) When weve been there then thousand years (將來禧年後,聖徒歡聚) ightening as the sun (恩光愛誼千年) Weve no less days to sing (喜樂頌讚,在父座前) Gods praise that when we first begun.(深望那日快現)