ruby最愛的經文: 目前尚未選取
喔!十字架 (讚美之泉 11 - 寶貴十架/似乎在天堂)
十字架是我的榮耀,十字架是我的盼望。 十字架使我能面對明天,喔十字架。 十字架使我得救贖,十字架使我得醫治。 十字架使我不再蒙羞愧,喔十字架。 副歌:是你先愛了我,在我愛你之前。 你為我死在十架,耶穌,耶穌你好愛我。 耶穌你愛我,你真的好愛我,你好愛我。 [ In the Cross ] In the Cross my glory I find. In the Cross my hope and my life. In the Cross my strength to face tomorrow. Here in the Cross. In the Cross salvation revealed. In the Cross by Your stripes Im healed. In the Cross theres no more shame upon me. Here in the Cross. Chorus: For You first loved me long before I loved You. You have died upon the Cross. You gave Your blood to set me free. You love me Jesus. Your love will set me free. You loved me.