有一些豆友自称博士教授专家,尤其认为自己懂进化论。他盲目崇拜科学,可惜连“科学理论”(Scientific Theory) 的含义也搞不太清楚。也不知道世俗学者们都以进化论为理论,不是事实。
(1)Merriam-webster 字典(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/theory)的定义:
1: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomenathe用来解释现象的合理的或科学上可接受的一般原则或原则体系。
• HYPOTHESIS implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation. 假设暗示的证据不足,无法提供初步的解释。 a hypothesis explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs 解释恐龙灭绝的假说
• THEORY implies a greater range of evidence and greater likelihood of truth. 理论意味着更多的证据和更大的真实可能性。
the theory of evolution 进化论(请留意:Merriam字典以进化论为理论!)
• LAW implies a statement of order and relation in nature that has been found to be invariable under the same conditions. 法律意味着本质上关于秩序和关系的陈述,在相同条件下被认为是不变的。 the law of gravitation 引力定律。
(2)剑桥字典Cambridge dictionary(https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/theory)
a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation: 对研究主题所依据的规则的正式陈述,或被建议用来解释事实或事件,或更笼统地说是观点或解释的思想的正式陈述:
economic theory经济理论
scientific theory科学理论
Darwins theory of evolution达尔文进化论(看见没有?又一字典以进化论为例说明什么是理论)