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全民塗鴉牆 快人快語 生活分享 愛秀圖片 我心經句
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分享人: Yang Hui-Jan
分享日期: 2021/01/10
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希2:1所以,我們當越發鄭重προσέχω (4337)所聽見的道理,恐怕我們隨流失去。
Hebrews 2:1 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to (to give the more earnest heed to KJV) what we have heard, lest we drift away from it (we should let them slip KJV).
ヘブライ人への手紙/ 02章 01節 だから、私たちは押し流されないように、聞いたことにいっそう注意を払わなければなりません。

※to give heed to
προσέχω (4337) prosechō pros-ekh-o From (4314)+(2192)
verb: present, active, infinitive
(4314) πρός pros pros
a preposition of direction; forward to, that is, toward

(2192) ἔχω echo ekh-o or (σχέω scheō skheh-o used in certain tenses only); to hold (used in very various applications, literally or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possession, ability, contiguity, relation or condition)
προσέχω (4337) prosechō
-1)-to bring to, bring near
-1a)-to bring a ship to land, and simply to touch at, put in
-2)-to turn the mind to, attend to be attentive
-2a)-to a person or a thing: of caring for, providing for
-3)-to attend to ones self, i.e. to give heed to ones self
-3a)-give attention to, take heed
-4)-to apply ones self to, attach ones self to, hold or cleave to a person or a thing
-4a)-to be given or addicted to
-4b)-to devote thought and effort to
※we should let slip
παραῤῥυέω (3901) pararrhueō par-ar-hroo-eh-o From 4482; to flow by, that is, (figuratively) carelessly pass (miss)
verb: second aorist, active, subjunctive, 1st, plural
-1)-to glide by: lest we be carried by, pass by
-a)-lest the salvation which these things heard show us how to obtain, slip away from us 有聽無到,沒有得救。
-b)-a thing escapes me
-c)-slips my mind
「鄭重」προσέχω (4337)通常用於「專心留意」,「隨流失去」παραῤῥυέω (3901)通常指「人不小心或沒設想清楚而招致損失」。有趣的是這兩字在船舶用語上,前者指「小心碇泊」,後者指「領航員疏忽而未能停好港岸」。
" pay much closer attention to " προσέχω (4337) is usually used for "attentive attention", and " drift away " παραῤῥυέω (3901) usually refers to "a person incurs loss because of carelessness or failure to imagine clearly." What is interesting is that these two words are used in terms of ships. The former refers to "be careful of anchorage", and the latter refers to "the navigators negligence and failure to anchor the port."
「真剣に」προσέχω(4337)は通常「注意深い注意」に使用され、「流れに負けた」παραῤῥυέω(3901)は通常「不注意または明確に想像できないために損失を被る」を指します。 おもしろいのは、この2つの言葉が船の意味で使われている時に前者は「停泊に注意」を意味し、後者は「ナビゲーターが怠慢で港に立ち寄らない」という意味です。


