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分享人: 楊爸
分享日期: 2019/03/27
檢舉內容: 檢舉不當內容/回應

※That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
— Ephesians 1:17

*The word “wisdom” in this verse is from the Greek word “sophias σοφία (4678)”. It is an old Greek word that was used to describe insight or wisdom not naturally attained. In other words, this is not natural human wisdom — this is special insight.

*The word “revelation” is from the word “apokalupsis ἀποκάλυψις (602)”. It refers to something that has been veiled or hidden for a long time and then suddenly, almost instantaneously, becomes clear and visible to the mind or eye.
It is like pulling the curtains out of the way so you can see what has always been just outside your window. The scene was always there for you to enjoy, but the curtains blocked your ability to see the real picture. But when the curtains are drawn apart, you can suddenly see what has been hidden from your view. The moment you see beyond the curtain for the first time and observe what has been there all along but not evident to you — that is what the Bible calls a “revelation.”

*Now apply the meaning of this word to the realm of spiritual truths. The truths we now grasp and enjoy were always there in the realm of the Spirit, but they were veiled — hidden to us. It wasn’t the time for these truths to be revealed yet, so they remained obscured from our sight, even though they were always there. But once the right time came and the Holy Spirit removed the veil that obstructed our view, our minds instantly saw and understood. When this occurred, you and I had a revelation!

*Can you remember times in your past when you suddenly saw something in the Bible you had never seen before? That truth had been there all along, but it had been hidden to your eyes. Then suddenly one day, it was as if someone pulled the covers off that verse, and it literally jumped off the pages in front of you. You saw it! You understood it! You had a revelation!

*It is a fact that truths remain hidden until God chooses to reveal them to us. This is why Paul prayed for God “to give” the Ephesian church a spirit of wisdom and revelation. The phrase “to give” is the Greek word “didomi δίδωμι (1325)”, which means to hand something over completely to someone else. It could also be translated to impart.
這裡的「賞給」,是將照顧、信賴、承諾,完全交送給人(to give over to ones care, intrust, commit),完全的傳授、使人完全承受。


