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分享人: 楊爸
分享日期: 2019/03/03
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《The hidden meaning of God’s words》上帝話語背後的用意

※The Divine Call is Issued
*Abraham is the first of the biblical patriarchs and the first person in the Bible to have a personal relationship with God. The first time the Lord addresses Abraham he tells him, “Go forth from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1).

Get thee out:go
(3212) יָלַךְ
ילך yâlak yaw-lak
A primitive root (compare 1980); to walk
(1980) הלך hâlak haw-lak
לֶךְ-לְךָ lekhe-lekhe
Hebrew for "go!" or "leave!", literally "go for you"
The literal command that was given to him was, “Go yourself out”, which, in the Hebrew, is written as לֶךְ־לְךָ – leḵ leḵa (lech l’cha… with the ‘ch’ sound as in the Scottish ‘loch’).

This phrase renders the command “you go”, or better put, “you walk”, and comes from two root words:

1 – The first – לֶךְ – leḵ – comes from the root הָלַךְ halaḵ - from 1980 which carries the meaning, ‘to walk, to live, manner of life, cause to live’ and literally speaks of how one lives. It is used as a verb indicating that it is an active expression of one’s life. This is verb is written in the ‘qal active’ tense and therefore renders the meaning, ‘to go, to walk, come, proceed, depart, move, go away, to die, live, manner of life (figuratively)’.

2 – The second – לְךָ – leḵa – comes from the root word אַתָּה attah (859) which means, ‘you (in the masculine singular form) 你(以男性單數形式)’.

The command that Aḇraham was given by יהוה was a very clear one – and that was simply, to get up and leave his land, relatives and father’s house! From this clear command we are able to learn a great deal and see the vital lessons contained in these words that need to be heard clearly today, as the call and command of Elohim to His {Remnant(7605) שׁאר she âr sheh-awr} שְׁאָר Bride存留的新婦, to:

“Come out of her, My people!”, is being made abundantly clear!

*This seems straightforward, but when examined in the in the original Hebrew, it becomes clear that something far more interesting is happening.

※A Hebrew Pun一個希伯來文的雙關語
The two simple English words “go forth” in Hebrew are lech-lecha (לֶךְ-לְךָ). This is a clever play on words. Although these two words sound almost identical, they actually mean two things: “go” and “to yourself.”
The implication is that although Abraham must undergo a traumatic departure from his native land, he is actually traveling to find his more authentic self. Once Abraham enters the land, his true relationship with the one Lord can flourish.
文中的兩個簡單的英文單詞“go out”,希伯來文是 lech-lecha (לֶךְ-לְךָ)。這是一個巧妙的文字遊戲。雖然這兩個詞聽起來幾乎是一樣的,但實際上它們指的是兩件事:「離開」 和「面對自己」。這意味著:雖然亞伯拉罕必須經歷創傷離開他的本地,他實際上是為了尋找他更真實的自我。一旦亞伯拉罕進入這應許之地,他與唯一的主的真正關係就會蓬勃發展。

※Experience a Hebrew Transformation
If you wish to strengthen your connection to the Bible, the time has come to begin your Hebrew journey. Only when you can recite the words of Scripture in the original Hebrew, can you experience an emotional transformation and walk in the blessed footsteps of Abraham. Enroll today in our live online Biblical Hebrew class and learn to read the Bible as it was originally written.


