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分享人: 楊爸
分享日期: 2019/01/20
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《A Gigantic part of David’s story 上帝首先揀選以色列做祂的百姓》

※Five Strange Biblical Names
According to 2 Samuel 21, David and his men successfully defeated five Philistine giants.

*①-The name of the first, Goliath, comes from the Hebrew word galut (גלות) meaning “exile”.
第一個歌利亞(撒上 17:23)的名字來自希伯來語galut(גלות),意思是「流亡」。
(1555) גׇּלְיַת
גּלית golyath gol-yath
Goliath = "splendour"光輝,壯麗,顯赫
Perhaps from 1540; exile; Goljath
(1540) גּלה gâlâh gaw-law
גָּלוּת galutt;exile
A primitive root; to denude剝奪 (especially in a disgraceful sense); by implication to exile流放 (captives俘虜 being usually stripped); figuratively to reveal

*②-The name of the second, Ishbi-Benob, means “mountain dweller”.
Ishbi–benob:וישבו בְּנֹ֜ב
(3430) ישׁבּו בּנב yishbô be nôb yish-bo beh-nobe
Ishbi-benob = "his dwelling is in Nob"
From 3427 + 5011
(3427) ישׁב yâshab yaw-shab
1. to dwell, remain, sit, abide
(5011) נב nôb nobe
Nob = "high place"

*③-The third, Saph (סף), means “threshold”.
(5593) סף saph saf
Saph = "tall"
The same as 5592;
(5592) סף saph saf
2. threshold, sill

*④-The fourth, Lahmi, means “warrior”.
5 And there was war again with the Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear staff was like a weavers beam.

Lahmi :לַחְמִי֙
(3902) לַחְמִי
לחמי lachmı̂y lakh-mee
From 3899; foodful;
Lahmi = "my bread"
1- brother of Goliath the Gittite and slain by Elhanan the son of Zair
(3899) לחם lechem lekh-em
From 3898
(3898) לחם lâcham law-kham
1. to fight, do battle, make war
b. (Niphal) to engage in battle, wage war發動戰爭
2 Samuel 21:19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaare–oregim, a Beth–lehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weavers beam.

*⑤-The fifth is nameless, but he comes from the city of Gath (גת), meaning “winepress”.
Gath בְּגַ֑ת
(1661) גַּת
גּת gath gath
The same as 1660;
Gath = "winepress"
(1660) גּת gath gath
Probably from 5059
(5059) נגן nâgan naw-gan
1. to play or strike strings, play a stringed instrument
撒上 16:23從神那裡來的惡魔臨到掃羅身上的時候,大衛就拿琴,用手而彈,…。
23 And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp豎琴, and played with his hand:

*Fascinatingly, the meanings of these five Hebrew names encapsulate David’s personal history.

※The giants in David’s life
*At the outset of his career, David was in “exile,” forced to flee Saul. Eventually, David took the throne and moved his capital to Jerusalem, becoming a “dweller on the mountain” known as Zion. Next, he erected the tabernacle, beyond whose “threshold” the Ark was deposited. In the latter half of his life, David was a valiant “warrior” and endured a merciless rebellion by his son Absalom during which he was “pressed” to the limits.
大衛在他的社會經歷開始時,被迫逃離掃羅,是處於「流亡」狀態。後來,大衛登上王位並將他的首都遷往耶路撒冷,成為一個名叫錫安的「山上居民」。 接下來,他豎立了帳幕,「開始」了往後他們存放方舟的地方。 在他生命的後半段,大衛是一個英勇的「戰士」,並遭受了他的兒子押沙龍的無情反叛,在此期間他被「逼迫」到極限。

※Unlock The Deepest Mysteries of Scripture
*What at first seems to be an unimportant list of five peculiar giants, turns out to be a fascinating summary of David’s life; his progression from a shepherd to the greatest king of Israel.
*But if you don’t understand the original Hebrew language of the Bible, this level of meaning is inaccessible.

*Now is the time to enroll in our live online Biblical Hebrew course and to take your study of Scripture to the next level.


