但以理書 第1章
Can you imagine the feelings of a group of Year 12 High School students being forcibly taken to Moscow, enrolled there in an atheistic school, and being taught to speak Russian? They would also be taught the principles of Communism. What would be their reaction? What if they came from Christian homes? What would happen to their faith in Christ?
That was Daniels situation. He had probably been a prince of the house of Judah (v.3). He was good looking and intelligent. No doubt he had already attended a Jewish school under a rabbi teacher. But on arrival in Babylon he and his companions were immediately enrolled in a three-year course at what might be called the university there.
Now, to remove him further from his own background, even his name is changed. It was part of what we would call brainwashing. But when Daniel saw the first meal provided for them, he knew it was time to take a stand. Thats enough, Daniel said, I will not eat food which may have been offered to idols or may not have been killed according to the laws of my God.
Daniel could have said: These are the kings orders. I have no choice. Or Well, eating Babylonian food is only a little thing. It doesnt matter. But if, like Daniel, something we are asked to do is contrary to the Word of God, then we need to take our stand for God and refuse whatever that temptation may be. Often when you take your stand for God as Daniel did, others will stand with you (v.11).
There are many experiences today in which we can be faced with compromise or expediency. We can be tempted to deviate from Gods will and the principles set out in His Word. We need both wisdom and courage. We cannot stand in our own strength.
But the Holy Spirit is with us to guide and to strengthen our faith.
Like Daniel, we need to stand openly for the Lord.
A verse to remember: Those that honour Me, says God, I will honour.
資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2008/06/08
狀態: 已經過審核
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