啟示錄 第2章
基督一方面稱讚他們,但另一方面,祂卻責備他們容讓罪惡在教會裡面滋生。我們同樣需要留意這個警告。表面看來,推雅推拉教會是一間發展蓬勃的 會,訪客一定對它留下美好的印象。那麼,基督為到甚麼責備他呢?因為他們似乎失去了聖潔。他們當中有一個叫「耶洗別」的婦人,引誘他們做出各樣的罪行。「耶洗別」可能並非她的真名,基督只是暗喻此人活像舊約那個惡名昭著的耶洗別一樣,將各種歪謬的道理和惡行帶進教會,結果便為教會帶來各式各樣的問題,導致教會失去他的屬靈能力和為基督作見證的力量。
BIBLE READING: Revelation 2:18-29
DAY 20
This is the longest of the letters to the seven churches and it was written to the church in the smallest of the seven cities. Size doesnt always count with God.
Christ commended this church for a number of things, for its work first of all. He also mentions this churchs love, faith and patience or perseverance. It was a growing church because it was doing more now than when it started.
If that was all Christ had to say it would have been wonderful. Remember Christ is looking at the churches as he sees them from the throne, not as we look at them with our natural eyes.
Christ commended this church, but he also condemned it for some of the things that had been allowed to come in. Here is the warning for us. On the surface the church at Thyatira was a strong flourishing church that would look good to a visitor. What did Christ condemn? Holiness seems to have been missing. There was a woman named Jezebel, possibly that was not her real name, but like Jezebel in the Old Testament she "had brought wrong doctrines and practices into the church. These must have included all kinds of sin and wrongdoing as well as wrong teaching.
When error comes into a church it causes endless trouble. Finally the church loses all its spiritual power and witness for Christ.
What did Christ say to those who stood out against those things? He called them to be absolutely separated: It is so easy to do what everybody else is doing. But you cant have Christ and the world too. You cant do what Christ wants and what the world wants at the same time. You cant have both.
If your Christian faith and experience is going to mean anything to you, you will have to stand out against false doctrine and false practices, even if you have to stand alone. Remember to do it in love, but you will have to stand for the right If you want Christs best for yourself and for your church.
Lord, help me to see what belongs to the world and what belongs to you.
資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2008/11/27
狀態: 已經過審核
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