腓立比書 第1章
A Letter from a Roman Jail
Today we begin a week or so of readings in one of the finest letters Paul ever wrote - one which was written in a Roman jail! Paul was a prisoner for the sake of Jesus Christ. He wasnt a criminal, but he was in jail just the same.
Yet when you read this letter can you find Paul complaining? Not once. On the other hand you will read about how near and dear Jesus Christ is and what an opportunity Paul has to tell about Christ. Stop and think what you might have done had you been there in jail for Christs sake.
In verse 1 Paul writes to the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi. Can you see the two places where they were living? First they were in Christ and secondly they lived at Philippi.
When Christ came into their lives these people didnt immediately move away from Philippi. But a big change had happened - Christ was now in them and they were in Christ. But they were still living at Philippi - a place where Christ was not honoured as he should have been.
We often think it would be so much easier if we could move away to a place where everyone was a Christian and we could live for Christ without the sin of the world around us. But remember, there is no place like that outside of heaven. Secondly, God has left us where we are so that we can live there and show to others in that place just what Christ means to us.
It is easy for us at times to think we are all alone - but we are never alone if we are in Christ. First we have him and then we have the fellowship of other Christians all over the world. Read verses 4 and 5 again and pray today for all your brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere.
PRAISE NOTE: Im so glad Im a part of the family of God everywhere.
資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2008/08/05
狀態: 已經過審核
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